Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My favorite historical maps and, of course, couple maps of Russia

This map is very artistic. It is not a great map from the geographic perspective of view, however it is not simply a map, it is “art and science”.

http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.loyno.edu/~seduffy/MapImages/FormerUSSR1990s-display.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.loyno.edu/~seduffy/maps.html&h=419&w=550&sz=46&hl=en&start=9&um=1&tbnid=C6a9kinOX6DBWM:&tbnh=101&tbnw=133&prev= This is the way Russia looked under Peter the Great. The map is very interesting from the historical point of view. For those who are interested in Russian history!

This map is great! It shows the train rail from Moscow to Dalnii Vostok and from Dalnii Vostok to Moscow. The map has days of week and local time included. Unfortunately the map is not date, however it has the name of the person who did it – Aldona Zabillo.

This is historical map of the world. The content of the map is not the main focus; the main focus here is ART. I wish I can do something as beautiful as this map!

Another historical map with a very interesting projection!!! The map has a lot of information on it, but it is too small to read! Like it anyway!

5 best maps from the blog

5 Great Maps from the Blog

I have looked at all the profiles of my classmates on the blog, and I must admit – I admire Alan’s work. I really like several of his maps, but I would like to highlight 2 of them.
The map is nicely done; I just like looking at it! Colors are wisely selected and the legend looks well-thought and organized. The background is light grey, which highlight green (I would have never thought of it!). Just a well done map!

This map is has a creative symbol, which is easy to read and to understand! Nice gradient!

I really like Leanna’s bivareate map, I think she accomplished the goal to represent to different variables with as lot of creativity! One can easy identify 2 different representations on the map!

Sewit bivareate map is also great! It looks very clean and one can easily read the data! Like the layout!

This map is very unusual! It is an interesting layout and attracts the attention!